Monday, November 16, 2009

A Cure at Our Fingertips

Jamie’s article, Medical Use of Marijuana, discusses a very hot topic today. Many people with chronic illnesses are dying each day from the effects of manmade drugs used for the purpose of curing their respective diseases. Jaime brought to light the seriousness of the situation by sharing her personal testament to the topic at hand. She makes a good stand for the medicinal use of marijuana only. There are those out there that abuse the use of marijuana; however, I agree with Jaime in that with the right legislation, the law can be written to give doctors guidelines in which to prescribe it. Americans spend millions of dollars each year to find cures for these diseases when we could possibly have had the cure at our fingertips this whole time. Marijuana has been growing naturally for years, just as tobacco has. Why not spend the hard earned tax payers’ money on testing the effects of marijuana on sick patients instead of wasting our money on trying to put people in jail for possessing it?

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